Army Worm Treatment

Armyworms are a type of turf-damaging insect pest that can invade the North Texas area during the late summer and early fall. They get their name from the fact that with bad infestations, you can literally see these little caterpillars moving across your lawn, like a slow moving “army” that turns everything in its path a yellow-brown color. They are most common in Bermuda lawns, but can also affect Zoysia and St. Augustine.
A large infestation of armyworms can eat through an entire small lawn in as little as 24-48 hours after their arrival. The good news is that these insects do not damage your lawn’s root system or rhizomes. They don’t “kill” your lawn. However, they definitely remove the color from your grass – turning it brown until they have been killed or have moved onto your neighbor’s lawn! Sometimes the infestation happens too late into the growing season to allow for a recovery within that same season.
Armyworms can be difficult to prevent, and you never know exactly if and when they may appear. However, they are easy to kill once present. If you see them, the best course of action is to treat them immediately. So, if you see Armyworms give Paul’s Lawn Care a call and we will knock them out!